"How much climate footprint can we reduce by circulating more?"

Share and reuse

Helsingborg innovation hub wants to help everyone feel like climate heroes by enabling the circulation of items. A digital service like "Haffa" will allow city members to play their part in saving the environment. Instead of buying new furniture and objects, every department will become better at sharing. We helped Helsingborg to push Haffa past its growth issues to help increase engagement and simplify future innovation.

Lessen climate footprint by sharing internal resources

We helped on

Frontend, Backend, AWS, and OpenSearch

Implemented to be built upon

When we met with Helsingborg Innovation Hub, they had already released Haffa and were doing beta testing. Haffa as a concept was working, and the city was ready to move the codebase from a proof of concept to the next scale-up phase.

Haffa isn't only made to help share and circulate items. Helsingborg wishes that even the code base could be shared and built upon with other municipalities. To support the introduction of new developers, we rewrote the backend in Typescript and added unit tests for quality assurance. We set up a streamlined, simple, and automated pipeline to allow us and other developers to add new features at a low cost.

Improve Haffa's user experience

When the codebase was stable and easy to develop, the next step was to increase department participation by removing user experience pain points. We did this by improving how users created new accounts, adding new e-mail notifications, improving the installed PWA experience, enabling inventory in advertisements, creating a custom login page, and setting up a more robust and flexible search using OpenSearch.

Haffa: dela, cirkulera, återanvänd!


Prepare you product for the next level

Take it to the next level

We can prepare your proof of concept to accelerate product development and user engagement. With VNTRS's growth and cost-efficiency mindset, our technical reviews and solutions will help you focus on the pain points that matter the most. We will make your venture ready to scale up.

Amanda Enocksson VNTRS, Head of Sales

Amanda Enocksson

Head of VNTRS Studio

Maria Bergsten

Maria Bergsten

Investment Manager